Often times you will hear "I don't believe in putting God in a box" when well-meaning people feel like we are limiting God.
In the scriptures did God present Himself as an abstract force, moving beyond clear definitions, or did He present Himself so we could clearly understand His actions and His ways? Is scripture a reliable source to view the character, attributes and nature of God?
While scripture does explicitly say that there are some mysteries of God that are not revealed, it doesn't mean that just because we cannot know everything about God that we can't know how He DOES prove Himself to work through what he has revealed.
It is not wise to distrust the way God HAS defined Himself in scriptures. We chose to follow emotions and our imaginations to conjure up ways that God may be, usually depending on our desired view of Him at the moment. Our Lord has limited us in our understanding of Him and in His scriptures. He has revealed what He wants us to know about Him. The scriptures He has given us is trustworthy are truly "God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness" 2 Tim 3:16
If the "you can't put God in a box" argument comes when someone is being criticized of their choices or their actions, maybe it would be more accurate to say "you can't put ME in a box", while they go on and justify their behaviors and using a Holy God to suit their own desires. May we strive to understand the One True God through his revealed Word.